OFS-torpedo filtersystems

If you process "reinforced, technical plastics", we can offer you two nozzle systems that are identical in terms of filtration but differ in terms of handling.

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osf-Filterdüsen - Typ Sfiltersystem for technical
and reinforced material

With the "OFS-filternozzle type S", the filtration is aligned in the direction of flow

  • Symmetrical design of the torpedo
    No predetermined flow direction
  • Optionally also available with wear protection coating
    Suitable for thermoplastics up to approx. 50% glass fiber content
  • Processing window up to approx. 4000 g shot weight

osf-Filterdüsen - Typ SRtorpedo filtersystem
with quick-cleaning

The "OFS filter nozzle type SR" is based on the OFS filter nozzle type S.

  • Quick cleaning
    Filter cleaning takes place on the spraying machine / without dismantling the filter
  • Optionally also with wear protection coating
    Suitable for thermoplastics up to approx. 10 % glass fiber content
  • Processing window up to approx. 4,000 g shot weight


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

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